Archiwum dla kategorii: Partners

Thursday Nov 6, Maxibit sponsored a wine pairing dinner a charity event for the international child protection program through Fred Kong at the Maxibit HK office. ISS HK – International Social Service Hong Kong Branch held the event at No. 15 Barker Road on The Peak, Victoria House which is the residence of the Chief Secretary for Administration and one of the best preserved colonial-style buildings in Hong Kong.
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Here are some pictures from the latest Maxibit meeting in Russia. Although I came to Moscow from Stockholm, many of the attendees had traveled much further just to get to the conference.
The ambition was to get the Maxibit network in Russia really fired up about the new possibilities with all new and unique Maxibit products. The reception was outstanding. What a crew!
This great event shows us there is a great future for Maxibit in Russia. A strong well founded company with strong well founded products.
The professionalism and dedication in Russia is fantastic! You just have to love these guys!

Finally a long awaited upgrade is made to the Maxibit partnershop.
What’s the difference?
First of all the whole approach is different. Long gone is the boring article-article-gross-sale-price-list. The new partnershop is aimed to be a helping tool for sales people. It’s oriented more like the products are meant to be used. They are packaged in the same manner as they are normally perceived by the users and quoted and sold by sales people. In short, we have tried to simplify and make the whole concept of selling and purchasing portable marketing tools a safe and logical ride. Czytaj więcej

Slowly but surely, the new Maxibit showroom at Screenbolaget’s premises is taking shape. In the next few weeks, you will be able to see, touch and feel, Maxibit’s unique products, Stage, Scene FoldUp, LaunchPack and Eagle without going much further than Västaberga, just south of Stockholms innercity. Czytaj więcej

A big thank you to ExaktImage for a great event last month. It was great to get the chance to socialise with you guys and meet your customers – everyone seemed to be greatly impressed with Stage and Scene! We are 100 procent sure that these products will be a great addition to the ExaktImage range. Czytaj więcej