Archiwum dla kategorii: About Maxibit

Maxibit znalazł się na pierwszej stronie znanego szwedzkiego magazynu o projektowaniu graficznym!
Większość naszych sprzedawców już doskonale zna ścianki Stage i Scene. Christian przewidział rosnące zapotrzebowanie na drukowanie ścianek na tkaninach wielkoformatowych już na początku, gdy powstała pierwsza generacja ścianki Stage (została ona wprowadzona w 2006 roku) Czytaj więcej

Celebrating world environment day: the UNGC is our framework for a sustainable business
Today is world environment day and the focus of the day is on green business and creating a sustainable economy. Fantastic!
This is great. For Maxibit the green environment is central to our business strategy – it’s the reason we started selling high quality, resusable displays in the first place. For us it’s a constant process towards creatng a sustainable future and an economy that works for us.
A great worktool for a green economy, and one that Maxibit has been using since 2007, is the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC). Of course, the global compact isn’t just about the environment, but also includes important issues like ethics and human rights.
We can thoroughly recommend all businesses, friends and competitors alike, to get involved and to make a change using the Global Compact as a framework. At the moment Maxibit is the only portable display manufacturer in the compact but we hope this rapidly changes.
Worthwhile links about the UNGC and Maxibits sustainable business:
Word environment day website:
UNGC website:
Maxibit profile on the UNGC website:
Maxibit’s CSR work:

We believe that to run a successful company today, we have to consider more than just financial gain. Our generation will have an enormous impact on what the future will be like for the following generations. Czytaj więcej

Slowly but surely, the new Maxibit showroom at Screenbolaget’s premises is taking shape. In the next few weeks, you will be able to see, touch and feel, Maxibit’s unique products, Stage, Scene FoldUp, LaunchPack and Eagle without going much further than Västaberga, just south of Stockholms innercity. Czytaj więcej

A big thank you to ExaktImage for a great event last month. It was great to get the chance to socialise with you guys and meet your customers – everyone seemed to be greatly impressed with Stage and Scene! We are 100 procent sure that these products will be a great addition to the ExaktImage range. Czytaj więcej