Today we are proud to release the new Maxilight LED – A LED lamp for great displays and shining booths. It’s probably the first “real” LED floodlight on the market today, with a great intensity your booth deserves.
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Whilst not being particularly spoilt by sunlight in the winter, us Swedes tend to spend all our summer energy soaking up the the summer sun. Midsummer Eve, marks the highlight of this summer period and it’s time to celebrate the longest day of the year. During this summer solstice, when the Earth’s axis tilts the most toward the sun. The intensity of the celebration may seem odd to people that aren’t starved of sunlight.
To a foreigner it might seam like the Swedes have gone mad! Usually reserved and never the highlight of the party, on midsummer us Swedes will let down our guard, some with a little help of some schnapps. I’m sure we look a bit deranged when we let loose all of a sudden.
Midsummer Eve always falls on the third Friday in June so people can enjoy a long weekend as celebrations often continue long into Midsummer Day, when people are mainly recovering from the “festivities” of the previous night.
21 | Warehouse and Office close 13:00 |
22 | Warehouse and Office closed – Midsummer |

Celebrating world environment day: the UNGC is our framework for a sustainable business
Today is world environment day and the focus of the day is on green business and creating a sustainable economy. Fantastic!
This is great. For Maxibit the green environment is central to our business strategy – it’s the reason we started selling high quality, resusable displays in the first place. For us it’s a constant process towards creatng a sustainable future and an economy that works for us.
A great worktool for a green economy, and one that Maxibit has been using since 2007, is the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC). Of course, the global compact isn’t just about the environment, but also includes important issues like ethics and human rights.
We can thoroughly recommend all businesses, friends and competitors alike, to get involved and to make a change using the Global Compact as a framework. At the moment Maxibit is the only portable display manufacturer in the compact but we hope this rapidly changes.
Worthwhile links about the UNGC and Maxibits sustainable business:
Word environment day website: http://www.unep.org/wed/
UNGC website: http://www.unglobalcompact.org
Maxibit profile on the UNGC website: http://www.unglobalcompact.org/participant/6418-Maxibit-Worldwide-AB
Maxibit’s CSR work: https://maxibit.pl/about/csr/

Here are some pictures from the latest Maxibit meeting in Russia. Although I came to Moscow from Stockholm, many of the attendees had traveled much further just to get to the conference.
The ambition was to get the Maxibit network in Russia really fired up about the new possibilities with all new and unique Maxibit products. The reception was outstanding. What a crew!
This great event shows us there is a great future for Maxibit in Russia. A strong well founded company with strong well founded products.
The professionalism and dedication in Russia is fantastic! You just have to love these guys!
National day is a fairly young tradition to us Swedes. Newverthe less it’s time to celebrate the national day in Sweden (also know as the day of the Swedish flag). We celebrate it in memory of when the Swedish King who, in June 6 1809, signed the papers that later became the Swedish constitution, even the current constitution of today was signed June 6 1974. [read more]